Customer Service Principles

Ensuring Excellent Customer Service

Our Customer Service Principles have been developed ensuring due consideration to Retrofit Design Ltd organisational values and the Nine Core pillars of Excellent Customer Service

The Nine Pillars 

The Principles at the Foundation of our Service & Customer Action Plan

Our Customer Service Principles have been developed to ensure due consideration to Retrofit Design Ltd organisational values and the Nine Core pillars of Excellent Customer Service as outlined below. Click on each pillar for more information:

Quality Service Standards

Publish a Customer Charter that outlines the type and standard of service that customers can expect and display it prominently. Our Customer Charter is accessible by our customers, in either digital format or hard copy. It is to inform our customers of the standard of service they can expect and communicate our quality service standards to all our employees.


Retrofit Design Ltd adopted a proactive approach to providing information that is clear, concise, easily understood and readily available. Ensure that the full potential of Information Technology is realised and that the information provided online meets all relevant guidelines. Use clear, concise and easily understood language on our documentation and forms. Continually manage and develop our data protection compliance procedures and policy in line with best practice standards.

Consultation and Evaluation

Ensure a structured approach to meaningful consultation with and participation by, the customer in respect of the development, delivery, and review of our services. Ensure meaningful evaluation of service delivery and build internal and external consultation into process improvement for all new projects and publish results of customer feedback in regard to our service delivery.

Physical Access

We will provide clear, clean, accessible offices that comply with relevant safety and occupational standards and as part of this facilitate access for people with disabilities and others with specific needs. We will maintain clean and safe access for customers at the locations of our service delivery, taking into account any specific needs as necessary. We endeavour to maintain existing site accommodation to a high standard for both customers and staff and maintain a high standard of physical access at the locations of our service delivery.

Equity and Diversity

Ensure the rights to equal treatment established by equality legislation, and accommodate diversity, so as to contribute to equality for the groups covered by the equality legislation (on the grounds of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race and membership of the traveller community). We identify and work to eliminate barriers to services for people experiencing poverty and social exclusion and for those facing geographic barriers to service. We also ensure access to and availability of our services are available to all the groups covered by equality legislation and all communities across our range of services and review and update our HR equality/disability policies as required.

Timeliness and Courtesy

Retrofit Design Ltd continues to deliver excellent quality services with courtesy and the minimum delay, building a relationship of mutual respect between us as a service provider and the customer. We provide named contact details in all communications to ensure ease of ongoing communications and meet the service standards as set out in our Customer Charter and review our performance in this regard. We also ensure all staff are aware of the guidelines and procedures with respect to answering calls and dealing with correspondence.

Written correspondence is always by using clear, concise and easily understood language and that named contact details and methods of contact are included in all written correspondence.


Retrofit Design provides choice, where the possibility exists, in service delivery. We use current and emerging technologies to ensure maximum access, choice and quality of delivery and strive to ensure that we are responsive to our customer’s needs in regard to how we deliver our services and ensure the availability, upon request, of all our publications in a format appropriate to the customer.

Internal Customer

Retrofit Design Ltd ensures that its employees are recognised as internal customers and that they are properly supported and consulted with regard to service delivery issues. Through our HR policies and strategy, we will encourage a culture that respects, harnesses value differences and recognises the talents and attributes of all employees – with equal opportunities for all. In addition, we provide a safe workplace and systems of work that address the needs and responsibilities of employees, customers and stakeholders, in accordance with legislative corporate requirements.


Retrofit Design Ltd maintains a well-publicised, accessible, transparent and easy-to-use system for dealing with complaints. We Address all complaints made in writing in accordance with the procedures as set out in our Company Charter and we allow simple, direct access to both our complaints procedure and our Company Charter on our website.

Our Customer Charter sets out the principles that are the foundation of our service and our Customer Action Plan describes how our Nice Core Pillars will be applied.

Retrofit Design Ltd is committed to the provision of excellent customer service in achieving our mission…..

to continuing our committed dedication towards continuously delivering quality sustainable products, by improving and embracing the communities in which we live and work”.

To do this we will consult continually with our customers, delivery partners and other stakeholders to measure how we are meeting our commitments in our Customer Action plan. We will report annually on the progress in the implementation of the objectives of our ACTION PLAN.